Serve before you sell and make the invisible visible

Tuesday 17th May | 11:00am - 11:45am

If I find you your next home will you sell your current home with me?

On the agenda...

The key to helping customers in both active and passive markets is to implement a 'Serve before you sell' model. Not only will this strategy differentiate you from what your competitors are offering, but it solves the biggest problem potential sellers currently face in today's market - finding their next home!

Join us on Tuesday  17th May as we outline and discuss a number of easy to implement strategies that will help you turn your potential instructions into motivated sellers, including:

  • >  Dare to be different by pursuing relationships over transactions
  • >  Act like their Agent before you are chosen to work on their behalf
  • >  Offer a 'home-finding' service to potential clients and earn the right to sell theirs
  • >  Increase their motivation and confidence to sell by creating an environment where movers feel comfortable to take that next step and instruct with you
    >  Discreet, or dormant, marketing helps to reduce client stress and also manages the expectations of the chain

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